Rethinking Our Insanely Improbable Universe

Rethinking Our Insanely Improbable Universe
Speaking with the authority of a distinguished scientific career, Robert Lanza presents the case for abandoning the "dumb universe" paradigm…
Rethinking Our Insanely Improbable Universe
Speaking with the authority of a distinguished scientific career, Robert Lanza presents the case for abandoning the "dumb universe" paradigm…
Robert Lanza on Theory of Biocentrism
Lanza’s talk on biocentrism at the Science and Nonduality Conference.
Robert Lanza – What are Space and Time?
Robert Lanza talks about the fundamental assumptions in science about space and time
Introducing the Biocentric Universe
An intriguing theory may help answer some of the biggest questions in science.
[Read the article]
Robert Lanza Discusses His ‘Biocentric’ View of the Universe
Scientist and renegade thinker Robert Lanza discusses his ‘biocentric’ view of the universe with Art Bell
The Afterlife Dysfunction
AtheneWins’ new documentary on YouTube (Biocentrism starts midway).
Biocentrism: Our Consciousness Creates the Universe
Robert Lanza claims the theory of biocentrism says death is an illusion.
“Sitting on Top of Infinity” Listen to an excerpt from Dr. Robert Lanza’s recent talk at the Hazy Moon Zen Center.
The world, it turns out, isn’t the hard, cold place we imagine waking up to in the morning. We scientists are only beginning to pierce the surface of reality.
What came first, you or the universe? The answer is not only unsettling, but suggestive of something both mysterious and inescapable: that you’re the template for the universe and the laws of nature themselves.
We go to and fro our little affairs on an insignificant little planet orbiting an insignificant little sun. Scientists tell us that the universe doesn’t care if we—the little creatures who inhabit this earth—are alive or dead. But there’s a problem with this view—a big problem.
Both science and religion appear to be honing in on a deeper reality, one totally ignored by most people until now.
Everyone knows that something is screwy with the way we visualize the cosmos. Theories of its origins screech to a halt when they reach the very event of interest — the moment of creation, the “Big Bang.”
We suppose ourselves to be a pond; and if there is any justice, it must approach upon these shores. But there are consequences to our actions that transcend our ordinary, classical way of thinking.
In Star Wars, the bars are bustling with alien creatures. But where are they all? Despite half a century of scanning the sky, astronomers have failed to find any evidence of life.
Experiments suggest we create time, not the other way around. Life is just one fragment of time, one brushstroke in a picture larger than ourselves, eternal even when we die.